Shirts And Seals

Susanne Woodman

03 January 2002

Re: tasteful T-shirts from St Ives

Did they try the Lifeboat shop? My boyfriend has some nice polo shirts from
there with pictures of a lifeboat on them. He's had some appreciative
comments at work; e.g. "you'll need a lifeboat to get you out of this mess!"

What's the latest news of Alfie?

Best wishes


There were a number of Alfie sightings on New Year's Eve but sadly they all turned out to be humans in fancy dress.

Informed local opinion is that he has flown south for the winter as he was last seen in St. Ives Travel booking a last minute holiday in Tenerife. 

However, we are hopeful that once post-New Year normality descends again upon St. Ives that he will resume his rightful place on Porthgwidden lulling gullible tourists into parting with cash to help 'save the stranded seal'.

We'll report back on the Lifeboat goodies once we've managed to exhume the Lifeboat Station from the mound of rubbish the New Year rioters buried it under!

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