Sleeping Ugly!

Ed Care

06 January 2003 16:25


Hope all is well with you and that you are just taking a brief vacation from the website.  Has everything calmed down in St. Ives?  I expected to read about an invasion of locusts after all the other disasters that have hit the town.
Keep smiling and say hello to Trevor.

Vile Jelly

06 January 2003 22:10

Bits of me are OK but I definitely seem to have lost contact with some of the other bits!
Peace and calm has at last descended upon the burg and many of the locals are now venturing onto the streets to see who survived last year. It's almost like a war veterans' convention!
Personally, as soon as I get the chance I'm going to bed for a month!
Hope it's not too icy in Tejas!

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