Gill Richards

06 September 2004 15:26

well possibly, if i knew what that meant.
how did the drumming go? or was that next weekend?
anti-christenings; is that where they put the child in the water instead of the water on the child. If they don't drown they're ok?
glad to see Winwaloe's gone. Your arguments used to take up all of my lunch break and i'd have to log off before i got a chance to read the rest.

Vile Jelly

06 September 2004 16:01

Well, you are yclept Gill and I am yclept Vile Jelly ...
It allegedly went off, I was at wurk natch. Big story was that St. Ives was fogbound on the day! More in the next bulletin.
I was thinking more of them being raised to behave like anti-christs but you could be right. I suppose if they did it your way it would just be a modern way of carrying out the tried and tested witch-dunking technique to discover those of a satanic disposition.
Never mind your lunchbreaks, just imagine how much of my life I wasted thinking up and typing my replies!

Gill Richards

07 September 2004 10:30

ah ha!
and you couldn't hear it up there? i would have thought that the natural bowl effect would have taken the sound up, but then if it was foggy it would have been like putting blankets on all the drums (probably a good idea)
i guessed you were, but thought my version would save us all from the pain that is children.
but why did you answer him knowing what he was like? he said you were blinkered and unmoveable , but wasn't he being exactly the same? anyway, you will no longer have to blight you life with such drivel and can get in extra drinking time.

Vile Jelly

07 September 2004 16:26

Take On Me, etc.
You couldn't hear a nuclear explosion above the racket made by cursing chefs! A mate claimed that they had made the attempt but that was it, no warm up or warm down. As they only had to play for about 6 minutes to claim the record I suppose I might just have missed it. Or perhaps they had to play muted drums to avoid annoying the neighbours. When they were practicing the day before we sure as hell could hear them up at t'castle.
Which would be a good thing but I'm not sure you're dunking technique is 100% accurate. Otherwise none of them would float!
Because I was brought up and educated to have a justification for and be able to argue any point I had. I could, of course, long ago just spat the dummy out like he did but (apart from the tedious typing bit) it was good fun to see how many analogies and examples I could dig up from differing areas of knowledge and learning to counter his points. I don't remember him coming up with any memorable facts or quotes! Will 'preciate the extra-drinking time, though.

Gill Richards

08 September 2004 08:41

oh dear showing your age now, mind you so am i, the first thing i did when i read that line was sing it!!!! (in my head of course, wouldn't want to upset the office)
but the only bombs around there are the kind made out of ice cream.
a couple of towels on yer drum always stops the noise, you really wouldn't want to hear so many playing the same thing anyway. Nothing going on in Bristol in connection with it, it didn't make our news.
and that's a problem because........?
properly you mean, unlike these oiks theses days who don't know why they believe in something but they know their favourite pop star likes it so that's ok by them. He seemed to be sticking to the same point resolutely and not wavering and whilst you can admire him for not being fickle, it takes a better man to admit he may be wrong. Well, you're well shot of him, go celebrate with the RT.

Vile Jelly

08 September 2004 09:43

I would be tempted to say that I am older than sin but that would be nonsense, of course. That would mean that at the start I wasn't full of sin. Therefore I must be as old as sin. The only way to be sure would be to cut me in half and count the rings. I'd probably be grateful, especially if you made me into a wardrobe or chucked me on a bonfire afterwards.
Don't you believe it. You can (and I do) do wonderful things with plastic explosives these says. So flexible, so shapeable ..... , so explosive. You should see the look of surprise on the ems faces when they try to tuck into my Semtex Soufflé! Perhaps they forgot the tide was in and so they had to do their drumming underwater.
Oh, it's not a problem but if it was 100% accurate there wouldn't be any of the little buggers left to grief me.
It was the "I'm right because I say so" attitude which got on my tits. Claims to have a scientific background but can't put forward one half-decent, coherent argument to justify his position. It is the duty of all responsible members of society to shrivel up such people.
Talking of responsible members of society, RT disappearing a few at a time. Great mystery as to what is happening. Helling is investigating as we squeak.

Gill Richards

08 September 2004 09:56

You wouldn't make a very good wardrobe, too many knots and you wouldn't burn very well either, you'd be too damp with all that beer.
Yummy, not too big to blow up the castle though cos then you wouldn't be able to blow up any more ems.
Is that possible?
still can't see the problem.
That's terrible! you don't think they're being stolen do you? or even being kidnapped? it could be terrorists, their demand may be that you stop defending the traditional qualities of St Ives and allow modern flats to be built on the clodgy or the Shauns get served up for sunday lunch!!!

Vile Jelly

08 September 2004 15:36

Perhaps I could just settle for being a gnarled, fungus-ridden tree-stump in a gloomy forest, frightening small children on dark, stormy nights, then.
T'castle is fairly solid. It was built in the olden days and was the railway hotel for GWR. They knew how to build railways that worked in those days so I suppose they knew how to build durable castles as well. Drumming underwater? Yes, just. Mind you if you've got to play for six and half minutes to get the record and haven't got an aqualung ...
It's not but how do you explain the persistent existence of children?
Waiting for Helling and Lucy to save the day. Remainder of RT last seen mounting an expedition to search for the Sonics and Shauns. Only Soupie was left behind at HQ to co-ordinate the operation. Now, she says she lost contact with the expeditionary force last night. Erk!

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