Visitation Rites

Andrew Macdonald

18 September 2002 20:27


Buy you a pint [Bah! Why does the Vile One get all the freebies? What about something for your faithful Reporting Team, eh?] next week if you're around and awake.
PS  Where's good to stay in St Ives - with licence? [Actually, despite attempts to control numbers visitors do not yet need a licence to visit St. Ives. Mind you, it's a damn fine idea. We shall mention it to the relevant authorities.] Or do we have to stay in Exeter and use the park and ride?

Vile Jelly

19 September 2002 09:03

I am slightly less round than I used to be but will still be in St. Ives next week. Won't know what shifts I will be working until Sunday.
Not sure where's good to stay (on account of never having had to pay to stay in St. Ives). Depending on tastes and budget your best bet for places with licence (assuming you want to be in the heart of the town) will probably be places like Sloop! (probably fully booked), Western Hotel, Pednolver, Porthminster, Chy-An-Albany, etc. Suggest you try investigation the Accommodation links in SSI or have a general internet trawl under St. Ives Cornwall (there's loads listed one way or another). Most of the bigger places either have their own site or are on some collective site. Most of the B&B's in Downlong tend to be small-ish places so no licence. The bigger ones tend to be further up town.
PS. At least your imminent arrival explains Trevor's hasty departure to some deserted Greek island!

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