Definite Article

Andrew Macdonald

30 September 2002 17:48


Good to meet you and the Team at last.
If I get out of Whipsnade Zoo in one piece tomorrow, I'll finish the in-depth review Wednesday/Thursday.  Will a Word document be OK?

Vile Jelly

30 September 2002 21:37

Just a Word? We were hoping for several thousand at least!
We await your opus with keen interest. Word format should be nyet problemski.
Hope you don't get savaged by the penguins.

Andrew Macdonald

02 October 2002 20:00

'Strewth - finished at last

1942 words attached, many of them different, tenses and grammar massacred along the way.  Chop about as you please.
If we ever come back, at least nobody will recognise us.

Vile Jelly

03 October 2002 11:17

The Acid Test

Cheers for the diatribe. I shall, of course, reproduce it in all its glory on SSI.
Hopefully this will be the start of a new chapter (of ignominy) on the site.
Just one thing, as it will be offered to all future contributors (if any), do you wish to be quoted anonymously?

Andrew Macdonald

03 October 2002 19:34

Publish and be damned, sirrah!
But I hardly think it was a diatribe, more a few pensees on this and that around St Ives.
We do diatribes alternate Tuesdays and Fridays, but there just isn't the demand there used to be for a good diatribe, so if you could give us a few days notice, we'll be sure to pick out a nice juicy one for you.
You may say it was from the legendary almost Andrew Macdonald

Vile Jelly

03 October 2002 11:31

Me again

... oh and if you want to be named do you want a vague location (as in Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells).
If so, where the hell do you live?

Andrew Macdonald

03 October 2002 19:35

How the hell should I know? 

Vile Jelly

04 October 2002 08:32

Aha, this could explain why it's taking you so long every day to get home from work!
Still. at least that must give Helen plenty of time to do the Shake 'N Vac, etc.

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