Just Deserts?

Liz Ringrose

04 October 2002 11:39

Dome Make Me Laugh

Hello Mr Kelly and Team

I saw on the news this week that England's poorest county has received a "boost" with the announcement that Eden is going to have another dome. What a tremendous saviour to the Cornish economy this greenhouse is. While I'm sure you can barely contain your excitement don't get maimed or crushed as everyone rushes to spend their new found wealth.

Liz Ringrose

Reporting Team

04 October 2002 17:21

Ah, but you may have also noticed that the new biosphere (washes clothes whiter than white) is to be a desert zone.

What they fail to mention is that the wilderness in question is an economic desert.

Anyway, it doesn't really what they add on to the Anthony Eden Project because nobody can get to it still without queueing in a traffic jam for a couple of millennia!

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