Hook Line & Sinker!

[Apropos of Tony Thomas's much heralded fortnight of 'big game fishing' in Canada from whence he has just returned to resume his reign of terror in the Sloop!]

Stephen Collier

06 October 2002 21:56

Fishing with TT

Well we caught a few but attached is a photy of one that our Sloopian host made sure didn't get away - note the unorthodox method of hooking - one in the gut!

You travelled how many thousand miles to catch that? TT and fish.jpg (77337 bytes)

Vile Jelly

07 October 2002 15:24

Ta for the inside information, copy now proudly displayed in kitchen. We are still waiting for Mr T to notice it.
Must say those 60lb fish he was going on about yesterday seem very compact. Presumably they are lead lined!
Any further incriminating evidence will be gratefully received (and used in evidence against him!).

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