Steve Collier

25 December 2004 18:38

end of an era

Hi Paul,
Christmas Day out here in the Gulf of Mexico - believe it or not :overcast, rain squalls 30knot North West wind - not much different to home except the temperature is 25C.
I'm sorry you've decided to call it a day but I really can't blame you - my kids are 14 and 16 and they know there's no decent future in St Ives.
We have much in common as I'm presently in residence on a small piece if the Isle of Man  - all my firms ships are registered in Douglas (convenience, flag of).
I get back home on Wednesday night and Thursday I will be having a cruise through some of the local hostelries so if you're out and about give me a call. I think I'll be seeing the New Year in at the Cornish Arms - less of a zoo than the town although I might be out and about in the pm before the rush. Anyway , I hope we can meet up before you depart - you deserve a DB or two.
Best Regards

Vile Jelly

26 December 2004 10:09

Sorry what was that? My ears are a bit bunged up at the mo. You're playing golf in Mexico? Who's driving the boat then? Or have you just parked it up for Crimbo?
Like I said in my parting shot I feel sorry for your sprogeny and their ilk who have no choice but to leave the burg if they want to make anything of their lives. And it's not a case of 'tough tits it's all down to geography'. They aren't living in the Woggawogga sheep station in the middle of the Outback. The trouble is that there are too many in the powers-that-be who have vested interests in keeping Cornwall poor and exploitable. I mean, if they don't get the Cornish to move out how are the Brum Scum and the Cockney Rabble ever going to have enough second homes to stay in?
In fairness to the IoM I think it is a slightly less dodgy FOC than some others. Which shipping co are you with, I might know them.
Probably catch up with you on Thursday. We are having a safely indoors bash on Nude Years Heave so we don't have to set foot amongst the riots.

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