Andrew Macdonald

03 January 2005 11:27

RE: Ave atque vale.

A Happy New Year to you, and glad to hear you've quaffing for all of us.
No catstail soup, but did manage jugged hare yesterday, thanks to a lucky shot by the boy.
When do you head up North to a life of riches and indolence beyond your wildest dreams?  And when will the Rock - Man pipeline be complete? 

Vile Jelly

03 January 2005 15:12

And a scrumptiously scotch (hedge)hogmanay to you.
Really, who or what was he really aiming at then?
It all suspends on me getting a work permit now. Hopefully it shouldn't be a problem but you never know. You might not be rid of me yet!
I've rung up Bill Sharp and told him to stockpile all his DB pending my next manifestation in Cornwallshire. The beer on EV wasn't too shabby as I remember, so hopefully the RT will not be suffering from cold turkey when they move their lair.

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