Sonic & Shaun’s Moderately Informative, Hopefully Occasionally Entertaining And Yet Wildly Inaccurate Music Review of Beer!
Not a musical ensemble, more a way of life for the Reporting Team and the sum
total of their political manifesto. Or so, you’d think ….. ….. And so you would have thunk wrongly if you had that thought gethunken!
Although their musical oeuvres are available on CD (see Lynxes) they are very much a live act, first and foremost. They are frequently gigging, either as Show of Hands or as solo acts or parts of other musical collaborations. No venue is considered too much of a dump for them to perform in and they have gigged in everything from village halls, to sports clubs, to cathedrals, to the Royal Albert Hall. Rumours they have been lined up to be the half-time entertainment at the next Superbowl have yet to be confirmed.
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