Out To Lynch!

"St? Winwaloe"

08 August 2003 10:15

Cornish Apples??

Maeve Russet Hawthorne - is it a variety of Cornish Apple recently re-discovered at the Lost Gardens of Heligan? - If so, any idea on quality as I am looking for outstanding foodstuff for the Winwaloe product range. Your reporting team appears to be in a stage of concious reversal. With STI full of ems they should be out there bringing in the news by the creel full not skuling in some pub like a wisht lot of gurneys!! Get the rope and whip out!!

Benatugana - Tereba nessa - Winwaloe   

Vile Jelly

09 August 2003 17:47

I have got the rope and whip out .....

I'm going to head down to Fore Street and whip as many emmets to death as I can before I go home and hang myself!

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